
Aerial acrobatics with fire

Ксения Сафи The Best Show Бест шоу шоу лучших коллекций купить оформить заявку в подмосковье огненное шоу Ксения Сафи The Best Show Бест шоу шоу лучших коллекций купить оформить заявку в подмосковье шоу Ксения Сафи The Best Show Бест шоу шоу лучших коллекций купить оформить заявку в подмосковье огненное шоу

As already mentioned and discussed earlier that our theater Bestshow very versatile and multi-disciplinary. Dancers faerschiki, skaters, jugglers, and I can not keep silent about another genre in our fire show. Aerial acrobatics! Extraordinarily complex circus. Acrobats are working under the big top at high altitude on a variety of shells: fabric, straps, chains, air ring, trapezoid, etc. that run air gymnastics exercises. It is insanely beautiful, fascinating action from which the audience come to a complete delight. And we, of course, could not pass by. When we decided in 2014 to put the fire-performance of the ballet “Romeo and Juliet” at the universal carnival fire … There was a question … How do we create the ease lovers shower, which is inherent in the main characters and at the same time, add beauty, uniqueness, complexity in execution. The issue was resolved quickly. Aerial acrobatics. This is the very art in which there are all these subtleties. Acrobats of our fire show worked in the play on the white aerial silk, which met all our expectations in beauty, ease and sophistication. Few talk about the paintings alone. Gymnastics on aerial silk youngest kind of air gymnastics, appeared in 1959. Unlike gymnastics on the belt, which originated back in China with 1644. Students in the French circus school, was given the task to compose a circus in a new form for them and one of the students showed him on a long stretch fabric, it can be called the founder of gymnastics on aerial silk. Later in the modern circus began to use aerial silk acrobatics pair that looks much more complex and interesting. In our fiery ballet-performance air ring has been involved, in which acrobats and together and separately performed at a height difficult elements in this genre. On the air ring while kissing Romeo and Juliet lit pyrotechnic fountains, from which flew in the auditorium enthusiastic sigh. After all, our acrobats are working without insurance. Also, we are involved in the formulation of the ice show, aerial acrobats, skaters. Which after rolling complex programs on the ice, he climbed gymnastic belt to the ceiling, and played there unimaginable aerial gymnastics elements, while remaining in the skate. Do not fail to appreciate this versatile actors in the theater of fire Bestshow. In our company you can order aerialists currently on holiday a separate number. Invite air gymnast on a ring of fire and trapeze artists on the web or belt. Order male solo skating on ice, combined with air balancing act. If the event you pass summer- we provide professional roller skating with elements of aerial acrobatics

.Ксения Сафи The Best Show Бест шоу шоу лучших коллекций купить оформить заявку в подмосковье огненное шоу Ksenia Safi The Best Show Бест шоу шоу лучших коллекций заказать в москве салют Ксения Сафи The Best Show Бест шоу шоу лучших коллекций купить оформить заявку в москве тематическое шоу